we had not been to see dh's grandma since August... where does the time go?? who knew it would go by so quickly!!! so we loaded up the kiddos and headed north for the day.
Since All Soul's Day was during the week the church had it's Rosary and procession into the town cemetary today. Yep, I said procession. This town, my dh's hometown, is really small but has been around for a very long time- since the 1850s. It is a small German farming community and there is but one church in the whole town- St. Peter's.

Anyway, we went out to the cemetary and continued to say the Rosary that we prayed indoors... after the last prayer was said each family- and there were lots- went to their family members' graves. The graves were decorated for fall- lovely oranges, yellows, browns... it was a gloomy day but to see the cemetary bursting with mums, maple leaves and other flowers it was great! Looking around you could see families that have not seen each other in a while get together, hug, ask about grandkids or great grandkids... just a wonderful moment. When I get a chance tomorrow I will post pics so you can see what I saw.. something that isn't done much any more... quite a change from the hustle and bustle of "city life." The girls walked around graves, reading names, looking at flowers while cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents hugged and chatted...
Grandpa's grave is getting grass.
Grandma's grave is even with the others..
time flies...

I'm a cradle Catholic M and this was wonderful to read. I remember Mom praying the rosary all the time. Think it's time to get one out to display. Thanks for the reminder. :)
It sounds like a really peaceful time. I'm sure it was good to see all the relatives. My family went to the cemetary last weekend to pay respects to our ancestors. I miss that. But, I went to church by my house and lit some candles in keeping with the tradition...
I love the way you teach your kids :-)
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