"It's so hard being 3.. "
famous words of my 3 year old after she got caught fibbing...
"can't I just get a hug and a kiss from you?"
such sweet innocense.. how could I resist...
teaching right from wrong
good from bad
mad from sad
it all stems from last night's experience... my 3 year old, Queen V, cut her hair...
it has NEVER been cut!
such beautiful blonde locks..
how could I cut it???
well, I didn't.. she did... or Max or Emmy did...
nope, she said her sister did it..
only thing is.. her sister was at a friend's house..
what to do..
what to do...
3 is tough?? try being a MOM! geeze!
she knows.. just when to turn it on to make my heart melt...
my buddy, Jeanine, wrote about her 2 year old granddaughter crawling up in her lap last week at 2 am...
famous words of my 3 year old after she got caught fibbing...
"can't I just get a hug and a kiss from you?"
such sweet innocense.. how could I resist...
teaching right from wrong
good from bad
mad from sad
it all stems from last night's experience... my 3 year old, Queen V, cut her hair...
it has NEVER been cut!
such beautiful blonde locks..
how could I cut it???
well, I didn't.. she did... or Max or Emmy did...
nope, she said her sister did it..
only thing is.. her sister was at a friend's house..
what to do..
what to do...
3 is tough?? try being a MOM! geeze!
she knows.. just when to turn it on to make my heart melt...
my buddy, Jeanine, wrote about her 2 year old granddaughter crawling up in her lap last week at 2 am...
2am - shouldn't she be asleep at that time???
well, that home rocks at all hours.. and there is ALWAYS plenty of love.. plenty of lap to jump on and just enjoy the moment. How many of us would do that? or scurry our children to bed?? A lesson is to be learned there.. to make room.. make time for our little ones... make time for the little things that mean SO MUCH!
I learn so much from Jeanine... she has no idea... patience of a saint she has!! Her last 3 and my 3 are days apart in age from each other and we SEE and EMPATHIZE with each other because we are in the same spot in life.. for some things...
so... can't you just give me a hug and a kiss???
you bet... there was a discussion of right and wrong
of mad and sad
even a touch of the 10 Commandments...
but all followed by hugs and kisses..
and I love yous.....
there should be "room for Him"
First the cards is so GORGEOUS AM! WOW I love all the details.
I know about haircutting. Scott when he was 5 in kindergarden cut his own hair when the teacher was not looking... of course where did he do this... SMACK in the middle in the front! UGH! Took him to get his hair so called fixed.. and the guy explained how you never cut your own hair... LOL
hugs girlie
Very pretty card, effective!
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