ok.. gotta tell you about the car ride to Mass last night
Queen V announces, "I need a boyfriend!"
me: huh? turning around quickly to see her face,....
she is sitting with her legs crossed... geeze!
Queen V: yep, I need a boyfriend to take me to the ball.
dh: she must be talking about Robbie's wedding.. (she's the flower girl)
me: well... how 'bout Daddy?
Queen V: nooooooooooooooooooooo, I'm just a little kid... I'm 3. He's too big!
me: well, do you know any little kids?
Queen V: no.... (she then starts to name cousins... and her dog.... )
whew! that was close.. what does she know about boyfriends???
the girls drew and drew this weekend... Lady G is making a scrapbook for her CCD work. She doesn't quite realize it and so we hang it on the "ART GALLERY" for safe keeping right now...
inlaws came tonight and I got a bunch of scrap goodies to feed my addiction! yummy!
the kids were so excited to see them.. that's a good thing :)
dh mopped the floor- he is REALLY picky about it so I let him have it... kind of like me making the bed.... it has to be a certain way.. my mom made me that way.... gotta be just right with hospital corners- she taught!!! If they come apart- even in the middle of the night- I have been known to get up and make it ... AGAIN.. yep, can't handle the sheets to be a mess when I am sleeping.. lol!
makes me think... is there something that you are stubborn about??? do you have to do something just one way or it bugs you???
I have found some interesting and inspirational links in the last day or two surfing the net...
the first gal, from WAshington has an amazing blog.. sells cards and man, she is good! her stamping and coloring is amazing!!!
check her out!Simple Dream
and the second one I found most interesting reminds me of my good friend, Twistedsoda. I have found a true person... a true friend in Michelle J. She amazes me in her selfless heart...
anyway.. the blog I found that reminds me of her is Dina Stamps Her blog is amazing.. she puts herself out there with her artwork.. ATC, journals, scrapbooks.. love that! THanks for the inspiration, ladies!!! YOU ROCK!
cute dd.
my dd is 7 and has had her "boyfriend" for like 2 years! I try to laugh it off but no wonder mothers of daughters age so quickly ;-)
your so amazing! You melt my heart! You and your momma! Big kisses my sweet ladies! And by the way, thanks for the links! I am off to check them out right now, a girl needs to surf and its only 9 PM...I have several hours ahead of me...hehe
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