Happy Birthday, Mr. T!!!
So you wake up at 6:30 and come ripping into our room... "Ta chase me... Roar!"
Yep, another bad dream about Queen V chasing you around the house pretending to be a crazed horse...
Lots of snuggles follow and you sleep diagonal in our bed for another hour or so...
You wake smothering me and Daddy with kisses telling us you want Party Cake for breakfast... we tell you you have to wait... poor fella, can't have what you want for your own birthday breakfast..
We watch Fox & The Hound and you are mesmerized by the mean bear... I can imagine that will show up in dreams soon... go figure...
You wander out of our room only to see all the streamers in the hallway and tons of balloons in the front room.
Politely you ask if each of the presents on the hearth are yours... of course they are!! :)
You open Queen V's first... The Amazing Bubble Blower... there are batteries attatched and you tell us they are for Daddy... sweet boy!
Next you open the mit and ball Lady G gave you...
Next you open the Little Chef's cooking tools. YOu have had such a great time cutting and stirring with me in the kitchen lately that we thought you needed some of your own tools. Please don't whack your sisters with the whisk or rolling pin... you will now have 3 minutes of time out... oh, I can hear the tears now...
We run out to the back porch to see how amazing the Amazing Bubble blower is... it's pretty darn amazing!!
We still have to take you to go get your big present... your very own cowboy boots!!!
Grandparents come and we enjoy a great meal of Roar, babies, me cheese, memade and Party Cake... yummo, buddy!! You picked a great menu!!
Grandpa wasn't too keen on you licking the chocolate Teddy Grahams and putting them back on the Party CAke.... that's ok... we'll enjoy them later... well, you will... I don't care for prelicked cookies! lol!
Finally, after lunch we got to see you open presents from grandparents... tools, tools and more tools! Your very own desk, color wonders and bubblegum... what a treat!! Because we ran into nap time you pretty much came unglued and needed a nap. You woke to ask for yet more Party CAke and "me cheese."
We played a bit more and went outside to blow more bubbles....
mind you... all of this was done after MOmmy had been up since 4am with contractions that led to guess where... NO WHERE!! Nope, my son, you will not be sharing this day with a sibling but this day will forever be your day... perhaps tomorrow you will get the gift of being a big brother...
The night draws near and Daddy is playing a great game of Hide and Go Seek with you and the girls... lots of giggles and grins... what a great day!!
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