so wehre is this bambino??
I have had enough contractions to kill a moose...
it's the luckiest day in China.. 8/8/08... what is this kiddo waiting for???
if he or she were born today "shim" would have his/her own birthday and would not have to share...
but... I would get to watch all the Olympics I wanted without someone asking me if I could change the channel... ha! I am an Olympic Hog.. it's true...
I love the Olympics...
do you have an Olympic story?? I do!!
When we were kids the kids on our street made our own Olympic Games.. it was 1976 and we had a great time... even though I got a javeline in my foot...
yep, you read that right!!
We had all sorts of track and field events...
high jump (we used the neighbor's horse jumps for that)
swimming (neighbors had a great pool)
diving (borrowed their pool again- super meter board with great spring!!)
tennis (back by the barn)
gymnastics (neighbor had a trampoline)
javeline (you know those flag things you put on the back of a kid's bike so cars can see them coming???... do you see this coming.. here is the story for the day....
I asked Norris to toss me the javeline so I could practice...
He threw it at me...
I thought I lifed my foot enough to have it just miss me..
it lodged in between my big toe and the one next to it..
I picked up my foot and the bike flag aka javeline was sticking out of my foot!!!
I pulled it out and my neighbor, Jan, picked me up and carried me in her house to clean out this open wound... I cried and cried.. She told me to go home and tell my mom...
I hopped a few acres and got to Mom and told her the story of what we were doing...
She calmly called Dr. Miller and discussed stitches and such...
yikes!! all my siblings had had stitches but not me... I didn't want to do that!!!
So the result was I had to soak my foot in epsom salts and wait for it to heal from the inside out...
no more Olympic Dreams for me... I would have to watch Mark Spitz and Nadia Comeniche and be happy....
And for now???
Well, I can't curl my toes as much as I used to... I can on my right foot but not my left... bummer...
So, did I tell my kids about it? Yep... and warned them that if I caught them taking the flags off of their bikes they would be in big trouble! lol!
Live and learn...
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