picture this:
we're in the van coming home from Burger King where we met the other mama's we hang with
Mr. T is asleep in his carseat because of going to "bounce time" at the library prior to this field trip
Queen V: mama, I kissed a boy!
me: huh?
Queen V: I kissed a boy!
me: where?
Queen V: on the forehead!
me: where were you when you kissed the boy?
Queen V: in the tunnel
me: Why did you kiss the boy? (makes me hear the song from Little Mermaid)
Queen V: because I like boys!
me: ok.. you can like boys but why kiss them??
Queen V: because I love to kiss them!
me: almost wrecking the van by now... ummmmm where do I go from here.. searching my brain... uhmmmmmm
I mean, what do I say? she is not even in school yet!!!
did I mention this is a friend's son..... he is homeschooled.... uhhhhhhhhhhh
so tonight at church I discuss this little show of affection with my friend... looks like we'll be drinking margaritas and dirty martinis- whatever they are- they are my friend's favorite... lol! soooooo now what???
My friend goes to talk to Queen V and asks her what was up... she puts one shoulder up and has a coy smile.. lol!

this card is by
Cindy Lou Who What a talented stamper she is!!! If you haven't been to her blog she gives away FREE blog candy every Friday!!! Who doesn't like FREE??? lol! All you have to do is sign up and see if she draws your name. I got the first ever blog candy she made- and those petals for the flower- she made them with the extra rubbah you have when cutting out unmounted stamps- gotta love a girl on a mission!! This card glitters so much with all the dimension she added!!! If you haven't joined in on her FRAKs as she calls them then you are definitely missing out!!! She is also having a tutorial on her word phrases she uses and how she does it - makes it look so smoooooooooooth! lol! Her tutorial is accompanied by a deal on getting these cute little stamps.. seems she knows somebody that knows somebody.. lol! If you get a chance to look at her gallery it TOTALLY cracks me up! She has a quick wit about her!
I joined an image swap by her and I can't wait to see what all I get back! Several of the girls are using Bella Stamps. I can't wait to get some images of these gals! lol! So fun and sweet!!! I will have to find some sassy sayings to go with them!! Now... for me.. I have to figure out what to stamp for these gals... I am leaning toward Spring things.. I jump from image to image- it will all be a surprise.. hope Cindy doesn't mind... lol!
So from RAKS to stamps to Photoshop...
I went to Jessic Sprague's blog and wanted to look up some ideas to use for my photos. I love her style!!! Anyway, if you know me from The Shaker Box you know I am longing to learn about PSE2 and digi scrapping.... more of nursing babes sucking out my braincells.. I swear when I taught history and ESL I showed my kids how to do presentations using all this stuff and now.. kaput... nada... nothin' registering upstairs... until I found Jessica and now my new digi friend Verna. I have learned so much in the last few days following their lead.. lovely!!! ***clap like Paula Abdul*** lol! Such clean cut descriptive directions.. and when I posted on Jessica's blog a question refering to not being able to do something she walked me through it where I *could* figure it out!! yipee!! She will update her blog now with the little adendum to help out others in my perdicament!! Yea, Jessica! Yea, me! lol!
and last but not least... an SCS Valentine Blog!!!

I love what Amanda Sewell did with this card- really adult!! The lips change from red to black when going from one layer to the next- gotta remember to do something like this- take a stamp and just change the color from one layer to the next.. What a simple thing but it makes it stunning!! love that! You have to stop by her blog Inkspirations and check out her creativity!! From recipes to family to her card making - it is so fresh and inviting!! like going to a friend's for a cup of sugar! lol!
AnneMarie, you are soooo good for my ego! You have me sitting here with a *perma grin* (((hugs)))Thanks for all the compliments and raving!
I love the new blog and daily musings! I can't wait to see what you FINALLY come up with for the image swap...you crack me up sista!
BTW...Fridays are FRAK Fridays where I give away a card...Blog Candy is random...I would hate to have people think I give away blog candy every Friday! You may start some mayhem by saying that!! haha
this is such great stuff AM. I really need to get my rear over to SCS too! You will keep me blog surfing all night long with all these great posts!
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