Lady G became sick this weekend.. poor babe-
I knew she was going to be because of her wierd sleep habits during the week- I could just tell. She came sleep walking into my room on Wednesday or Thursday and then got up on my bed and danced around.. saying, "let's pretend"
ok.. let's pretend, Lady G
"let's pretend I am mad"
"ok... you're mad... now what?"
"I dunno." then she climbs into my arms and sucks her thumb...
I take her back to her bedroom and put her back under the covers.
She appears again only to be talking to dh in the front room- he didn't know she was asleep... lol!
well, needless to say she missed her first sleepover/birthday party and a cousin's First Communion and her first Gymnastics meet. Sad day.. she came ripping into our room and I knew right away without touching her she had a fever and was going to miss her busy weekend... poor girl. She did get to pretend it was 1950 and go to a sock hop on Friday night... she had a great time!
soooooo let's pretend I am not late on getting cards posted...
let's pretend I am a super photographer and these shots I got were on purpose...
let's pretend I got allll the laundry done....
now- isn't that nice??? I get to blog??? lol!
We are going to start a new thing at The Shaker Box. A lot of blogs are posting about "blog candy" and Hemimom (aka Angela) also thought it would be a good idea to create some "Shaker Candy" so that is what we are going to do!!! I am the first to start this and will post some time this week what the first "Shaker Candy" will be!!! I am so excited!!! Are you ready to play?? Come over, join us- you know you want to... all the cool kids are doing it!!! What? you say you aren't a cool kid??? WEll... .we can PRETEND! lol! just kidding!!!

ok- so quickly - some photos of my son- love these shots even if they are dark... let's just pretend they are "warm!" Yeah, that's the ticket!! lol!

Keri Sereika aka Pink Lemonade shows off her talents in her galleries at Inky Antics where she is a moderator on the forum and at SCS You will find oooodles of work on her galleries to inspire your stamping whimsy!! I also love her gallery on her blog for Gina K grouping!
So.. let's pretend I had a lot of time to make cards to post here....
and let's pretend I have a lot of time to work my PSE2...
and let's pretend I got allll the laundry sorted, washed, folded and put away.....
and let's pretend I got to ride my girl today...

1 comment:
Thanks for sharing all the links, the adorable pics, and cute cards =)
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