have you ever felt like you just needed to look behind that tree over there to see what is on the other side?? not that you would stray from your path but you know the path your on could need some extra flowers or perhaps a bench to rest on...
well, I am off to look at another tree just to get some extra inspiration to bring back to my path...
happy today....
that I learned how to take a photo in a mirror without being in the photo
showing my mom about WB.. .makes me a better learner when I teach someone
finding out my dd loves me no matter what
teaparties with Angelina Ballerina bring out the best in toddlers
that I am who I am.... always a learner
Annmarie I love your blog and boy do I know that I just need to look behind that tree or turn that rock over feeling.
Hi AnneMarie... I am so glad I found your blog. Now I want to see the picture you were talking about with the mirror and you not in it. Plus how did you do it?
You should try my photo challenge on my blog.. It is fun...
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