I walked into my dd's room this morning and woke her up gently...
"do you want to know who is going to be our next President of the United States?"
"yes" rubbing sleep from the corner of her eyes...
"Barak Obama"
yea, wow...
this has so much significance for our nation.
I look at this from so many directions... as a mother, as a former teacher- a social studies and ESL teacher at that.... but mostly as an American. Where will this take us as a nation?
One can listen to all the hype from both political parties... like I used to tell my students, "there is your side, my side and the truth." The truth will not be known or understood until history is made..
Will we as a nation understand the ramifications of electing Mr. Obama in this year?
I mean truly understand?
Will we see what decisions made at particular times in his presidential carreer will affect our children and other future generations?
I for one, am in awe of anyone wanting to take on such an awesome and powerful position... look back in history at any one of the presidents- compare picture of them at the time of innaguration and then of them as they leave the Oval Office. The graying of hair, the added wrinkles on the face... is the step as lively?? The weight of the world is upon this man.... did you see how many nations watched our nation last night??
I was amazed at how jubilant other nations were at us electing Mr. Obama... why are they? What do they have to gain? And do THEY see how gracious John McCain was to concede?? no skirmish broke out... no bullying... it was a peaceful acknowledgement of how the power in our country will shift. I hope it remains this way... this is what is so great about our nation... we will come together... it is what America... Americans are best at.
We might not like what one of us is doing but when push comes to shove we have each other's back!!
ok.. enough of the soap box... let's talk about who really won... it wasn't red or blue states...
it wasn't one race or another...
it was Sasha and Malia!!]
they won something really important in a kid's life!!
yep, they get a puppy!!!
The White House will have a puppy...
I just ask one favor... don't let the pup teeth on anything of historical significance,girls...
remember to take the pup out to do his business...
feed and water him...
brush him
teach him commands so he listens to you
and pick a cute name!
Congrats, Obama Girls, on your new puppy!!
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