May the angels carry you higher
May you feel the warmth of God
May your light shine in those who love you...
For those who have not heard me speak of or write aboutSheye or of her daughter, Ava this blog entry is all about the love a mother shows her children, her husband and her family. I started reading Sheye's blog a few years ago and so related to what she had to say about being a mom to a free spirit. I laughed and nodded as she typed and loved the way she captured her children on film. Last year a tragic accident occurred- but one with a lesson I quickly taught my children, my friends and anyone who would stand still long enough to hear about the Super Princess and how one day she found herself locked in her parent's car... not knowing how to get out. Teach your children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren.. .how to get OUT of your car!!! Teach them how to crawl to the front, try the locks, try the door handles on "Mommy's side" and to lean on the horn!!!! It is so vitally important. It is Ava's lesson to us all.. .along with being a super princess.
Go to Sheye's blog and leave some love...
Go to Ava's website and light a memorial candle...
most of all.. hug your children, breathe in deep when you hug them... snuggle them to sleep- it won't spoil them.. just YOU!
How tragic! Thanks for the reminder...I will squeeze my babies tighter tonight!
Thank you for your sweet words - It seems Ava has taught us ALL so much. And such good advice you put in this entry! Well said!! As soon as my little one is old enough to understand, I'll heed your advice!
Much Love and God Bless :o)
hi i have been asked by alana to contact you all and to ask if it's ok for me to join sbs11 as i was number 21 when she added all the other people to the list and vicki in the list had asked me to join the same list as she is in so if you don't mind me joining could you let alana know
many thanks gill
AnneMarie, thanks for the reminder. I have a 4yods, so I will get right on this!
I am in SBS11, nice to meet you. I haven't posted all the girls on my blog yet because I can't figure out how to do it! Do you have any tips?
I will be keeping little Ava close to my heart. I have already told my almost 5 yr old about how to unlock and open and to honk the horn if he is in trouble. My 3 yr old is next. Thank you for sharing their story.
I will have to go and read her blog. Such a sad situation. My girls are all grown and I have no grandchildren but will remind friends of this story.
sbs 11 sis
Just thought I would let you know that I changed my blog over to typepad. I am a fellow sbs 11 sister, Andria. Thanks
I want to thank you for sharing that with me for two reason.I loved her blog it was absolutly soul grabbing and beautiful. And Also I have a 3yr old and a 1 yr old and I have NEVER EVER thought of that happening... I will be teaching my daughter how to do this in the morning (no joke) I am so grateful for you letting me know about this even being a possibility.
Yeah usually mine do but they are also sick and have been increadibally CRANKY all day long so Mommy-ing came first today.
hey where you been?/ we missed you and you haven't posted in such a long time is everything okay?
AnneMarie! Where are you - your Shaker friends really, relly miss you. Prayers that all is well with you and your family. (-Chris)
Since I first found your blog, I have been so moved by what you said here and learning about Sheye and Ava that my heart has not been the same.
The first time I read this blog and Sheye's, I woke my children up just to snuggle them and tell them that I loved them.
Then, I passed on all of the advice given here about children and cars.
Hi, hope everything is okay with you, I keep checking in to see if you have posted anything new.
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